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Community Notices
The Village of Amanda would like to thank it residents who helped by conserving water during our water ban. With this past weeks rain for the hurricane. We have lifted the ban on water outdoor useage.
The Village of Amanda is seeking 2 residents to sit upon our Appeals Board. Letter of Interest will be accepted through May 31. Questions call 740-969-4771
Community Events
Service Projects
Food Bank
Fairfield County Food Bank
(in our area)United Methodist202 E. High St(Third Wednesday of every month 6 P.M.-8 P.M.)This is for residents in need that live within the Amanda Clearcreek School District.
Fairfield County Food BanksInformation Referrals: Either call 211 or 740-687-0500 or go to the website at www.fairfieldcounty211.org While you are there check out other assistance programs: food, Medication, financial, eyeglass, Christmas, school clothes
Fairfield County Food BanksInformation Referrals: Either call 211 or 740-687-0500 or go to the website at www.fairfieldcounty211.org While you are there check out other assistance programs: food, Medication, financial, eyeglass, Christmas, school clothes
Latest News
2024 ONGOING projects Other Future Projects
Leist Street Resurfacing Project to begin
this summer. This project includes storm sewer upgrades, sidewalks, curbing, and resurfacing
Drilling a water well at 6010 Amanda Southern Rd
In 2025 Ada Ramps project will be constructed along Main St. We received a $100,000 grant from CDBG
Future street/park & recreation projects include:
Installing sidewalks in high traffic areas that doesnt have sidewalks, resurfacing a section of Moody/section of School, doing some sidewalk/curbing on west end of High to help with west end water issues, sidewalk/curbing repair on Main, possible downtown beautification projects, additional crack sealing of existing streets,
adding more admenities at park,
additional bike path paving, and salt barn replacement,
Water/Sewer future projects:
LIft station upgrades, durilator filter change out at water plant,
Council Meetings
Meetings are first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. , unless holiday then it's moved to the following Monday
You can find meeting videos at - Village of Amanda Youtube